Bible Fellowship is a place...
Bible Fellowship classes provide an opportunity for every person who comes to Henderson Street Baptist Church to connect with others and build
key relationships that can last a lifetime.
One of the best ways to meet people, grow spiritually, and get involved in the life of the church is to join a Bible Fellowship class. Offered at
9:30 a.m. on Sundays, these classes range in size and are perfect for learning more about God and the Bible, as well as connecting with others. There are Bible Study Classes for adults, students and children, so there is sure to be on that's right for you and your family. Our groups are
open to anyone who wishes to attend. So, we welcome you to join in discussion, even on your first visit. Come to a class this week!
The goal of the Music Ministry at Henderson Street Baptist Church is to provide an opportunity to have an authentic worship experience with God. We seek to reach this goal by using a mix of traditional hymns and contemporary choruses to allow God to speak to us as we are. The current worship team utilizes the piano, organ/keyboard, guitar, bass, and a drum machine to provide quality music with vocals to enhance your worship experience. We have several talented musicians that provide special music from time to time as well..
We would love for you to join us each week and participate in our worship service.
Our Student Ministry is actively changing. Students today face many challenges. Being grounded in their faith is vital to withstand those challenges. Here at HSBC that is our goal; to equip our students with the fundamental truths that are necessary for life.
My goals for our students are 5 fold: First, to worship: worship is something that we are, not something to come to. Second, to have in-depth Biblical teaching and studying time. Third, to have a vision for missions and be active in them. Fourth, to reach the families of our students. Fifth, to have a great time, and yes, have FUN at church and anywhere we go.
Through these goals I believe we can impact our students, to impact our world. So join us on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. and on Wednesday nights starting at 6:30 p.m.
We know that the life of any church is in its next generation, that's why it is vital that Henderson Street Baptist Church have an active Children's Ministry. We have made a commitment to rebuild and reorganize our children's ministry. If you have children, and a passion to see them come to Christ and be disciple through Bible Study, camp, and VBS, then Henderson Street Baptist Church needs you. Join us as we seek to raise up the next generation in God's kingdom.
The goal of our Wednesday Night Discipleship Program at Henderson Street Baptist Church is to provide a safe and fun atmosphere for student and adults to come to know and grow in their walk with Christ. We have classes for students from Pre-K to 5th grade, and 6th to 12th grade. We also have a class for adults to pray and study the Word as well. We serve a weekly meal at 6:00 p.m. and go to individual classes from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
919 E. Henderson Street
Cleburne, TX 76031
PO Box 472
Cleburne, TX 76033
Copyright 2017 Henderson Street Baptist Church